I recommend Jamie Bainbridge's advice above. that we have already mentioned that only support Mac as the host OS, VM VirtualBox can. Instead of switching to ARM-on-ARM virtualization, VirtualBox emulates a normal x86 PC, so you can still run guest operating systems that don’t support ARM (like old Windows releases). UTM: Run Virtual Machines on Your Apple Silicon M1 Mac (Updated). VMware products are obviously made by VMware, and it is best to address VMware product concerns with VMware, perhaps in their forums. However, VirtualBox is going in a different direction than Parallels and VMWare when the first M1 Macs arrived. VirtualBox provides a variety of features, including support for a wide range of guest. People can certainly reply to this thread, however, Red Hat does not maintain Oracle VirtualBox. Install VirtualBox on Apple Silicon Mac (M1 and M2 Mac).

Please let Oracle know your request for update. It is up to Oracle to decide to dedicate time/resources etc to make VirtualBox work with non-intel Apple hardware. Note: Virtualbox is made by Oracle (originally Sun Microsystems, which Oracle bought a long while ago).